This week at church the 11 o'clock service was presented by Don and Donna Mohl. The beautiful calming music was just what I needed to refresh my spirit. My wife has been very sick this week and her doctor is trying to determine exactly what is causing her to be ill. Music is a very important part of my life, and I'm sure that the music that Don and Donna presented did much more for me than any sermon could have.
Their music is a blend of “mountain” style and folk style gospel. They play traditional and Biblical instruments such as the Bowed Psaltery, Hammered Dulcimer, Mountain Dulcimer, Mandolin, Zither, Guitar, and Harmonica. They sing the good old hymns of faith, more recent gospel songs and some songs that they have written related to family values, the grace of Jesus, and the love of God.
Here is a sample of their music. This song is, "The Touch Of The Master's Hand". In it they replace the word violin with mandolin in keeping with their mountain music style.
Don and Donna don't just play all of the mountain instruments, They handcraft and sell them. They produce Hammered Dulcimers, Zithers, Mountain Dulcimers and Bowed Psalteries. If you are interested in beautiful handcrafted mountain instruments or in puchasing Don and Donna's CD's, you can go to their website,
Here is a photo that shows one of their hand crafted Zither's, along with a Hammered Dulcimer.
Listening to Donna play the Hammered Dulcimer brought back memories of a time in my life when a Hammered Dulcimer played an important role in letting me know that God listens to and answers our prayers. I needed reassuring this week that God is watching out for us and that he listens to and answers our prayers. Hearing the Hammered Dulcimer during the worship service brought this experience of answered prayer to my mind. You can read the story here.
As you go through this week remember to "Try A Little Kindness".
I was happy to come across your blog on blogger dashboard today. Glad you got some comfort from your church service. I'll remember to pray for you and your wife this week.