Saturday, April 17, 2010

Relay For Life


Gina and I have been working hard preparing for Relay For Life. Just a few more days until the big event. The USEM Federal Credit Union team has already raised over 5,000 dollars to help in the fight against cancer.

I am involved in Relay For Life for a number of reasons. The number one reason is because Gina is passionate about Relay. She has such a passion for Relay For Life that it rubs off on those around her. Her passion stems from her family history. Her mother died of cancer when Gina was just 21 years old. Her father had colon cancer, and all three of her sisters have had breast cancer. She is the only person in her immediate family that is cancer free.


Several years ago, Gina's sister Roberta got involved with Relay For Life in Enumclaw, Washington. For a number of years, Gina would travel to Enumclaw to be a part of Relay For Life there. Three years ago, we learned that Polk County was going to have a Relay. We got involved in the 2007 Relay, and have been involved ever since.


My uncle, Delbert Lawry, died from cancer five years ago. I lost not only an uncle, but a friend and someone who was willing to help anytime.

Just a few months ago my sister-in-law, Lenora lost her long running battle to cancer. She participated each year in the Polk County Relay. The Relay this year just won't be the same without her. I am dedicating my participation in this years Relay to Lenora. I have come to realize the importance of the work that the American Cancer Society does. It is involved in research, prevention, and helping those who are dealing with cancer.


The 2010 Polk County Relay For Life will be held at Janssen Park on Friday, April 23 starting at 6:00 P.M. and going on through the night until 10:00 A.M. Saturday morning.

The American Cancer Society Relay For Life is a life-changing event that gives everyone in our community a chance to celebrate the lives of people who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and fight back against the disease. At Relay, teams of people camp out at Janssen Park and take turns walking around the track. Each team is asked to have a representative on the track at all times during the event. Because cancer never sleeps, Relay is an overnight event.


Relay starts with a Survivor Lap, an inspirational time when survivors are invited to circle the track together and help everyone celebrate the victories we’ve achieved over cancer. The Survivors Lap is an emotional example of how Relay participants are creating a world with more birthdays like those of each individual on the track.

Richie Owens and Six Mile Creek

There will be live entertainment, food, fun and games during the evening, with all proceeds going to the Relay For Life. After dark, we honor people who have been touched by cancer and remember loved ones lost to the disease during the Luminaria Ceremony. Candles are lit inside bags filled with sand, each one bearing the name of a person touched by cancer, and participants often walk a lap in silence.


No matter who you are, there’s a place for you at Relay and you can make a difference by attending this powerful event. To find a Relay For life event in your area go here. Thanks to Relay participants, we are creating a world with more birthdays.


  1. I am so thankful that you support this wonderful cause. I give to whoever I can near here because of all of your beautiful promotions Rich! Thank you.

  2. What great work of love, my heart goes out to you and all who lost loved ones to cancer. It still cuts way too many lives short, like my father's and my younger sister's.

  3. wow ! wish I can help up too..

  4. What a noble cause. I'm so glad that you support it. Thanks for posting about it.

  5. It is great to read about RFL. I participated when younger. I am a 14 year (this August) kidney cancer survivor. I have known and lost so many loved ones including Mother and mother-in-law.

    Now, at 74, it is hard for me to walk that far or stay up that late! Kudos to Gina and you for all the hard work.
